Our subsidiaries

LIS Transport in Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Waastrans in Bornem and Corman & Califice in Welkenraedt. Each of these subsidiaries has a head of operations who is in charge of the day-to-day management and directs the various tasks. Each company/subsidiary has its own customers and is virtually autonomous in operational terms. Purchases are centrally checked and approved for payment. Exchanges involving drivers and trucks occur daily.

TTC hoofdkantoor

AddressKasteleinsstraat 21
9150 Kruibeke
Phone+32 3 252 20 80
Fax+32 3 252 66 47
VATBE 0466.056.492
ResponsibleDirk Bryssinckx

TTC Lis Transport

AddressKempenaerestraat 55b
2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
Phone+32 15 30 00 00
Fax+32 15 30 00 09
Email infolis@ttctransport.be
ResponsibleKenneth Bryssinckx

TTC Corman & Califice

AddressRue des Nouvelles Technologies
4841 Welkenraedt
Phone+32 474 81 71 35
ResponsibleVanessa Leenders

TTC Waastrans

AddressReedonk 6
2880 Bornem
Phone+32 3 899 39 04
Fax+32 3 899 08 99
ResponsibleMark Bryssinckx
Contact map

Contact us

If you have any questions, please let us know and use our contact form. We will answer you as soon as possible.